


  • 2016年 7月 1日
    Dr. Tomohisa Sawada was promoted to Lecturer in the Fujita Group.
  • 2016年 5月 4日
    Dr. Marian Dryzhakov has joined from Strasbourg (J. Moran Group) as a JSPS post-doctoral fellow.
  • 2016年 7月 8日
    An article by Dr. Daishi Fujita et al. ("Self-Assembly of M30L60 Icosidodecahedron") appeared in the first issue of "Chem" and was highlightened on the first front cover. Press release is here.
  • 2016年 5月 13日
    An interview article appeared in ACS Central Science ("A Conversation with Makoto Fujita") in collaboration with C&EN.
  • 2016年 4月 23日
    The 36th and 37th "Fujita Group Colloquium" were held with two invited lecturers (Dr. Ryosuke Miyake (Ochanomizu Univ.) and Dr. Yoshikazu Tanaka (Hokkaido Univ.)).
  • 2016年 4月 12日
    Mr. Shoukou Lee (D2) was awarded the Outstanding Student Presentation Award (Oral) at the 136th Annual Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan (Yokohama, March 26-29, 2016).
  • 2016年 4月 9日
    The 35th "Fujita Group Colloquium" was held with an invited lecturer (Dr. Yuma Morimoto (Osaka Univ.), "Development of oxidation catalysts beyond enzyme models")
  • 2016年 4月 4日
    Kick-off Meeting was held welcoming new laboratory members to launch the Fujita Lab's  academic year of 2016.
  • 2016年 3月 3日
    Mr. Yamagami and Ass. Prof. Sawada's paper for the peptide [4]catenane in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. was selected as VIP (Very Important Paper)!
  • 2016年 3月 25日
    Graduation ceremonies for Master's and undergraduate students were held. Congratulations!
  • 2016年 2月 9日
    Mr. Masatoshi Mori was awarded the Distinguished Master's Thesis Award (Dept. Appl. Chem., UT)!
  • 2015年 10月 1日
    Assist. Prof. Daishi Fujita has been appointed as PRESTO Researcher of Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST).
  • 2015年 4月 21日
    Prof. Fujita was awarded John Osborn Lecturer (Strasbourg University)